Ali Taptık

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Ali Taptık, 1983, Istanbul
Ali Taptık (she/he/it) is an artist and publisher.

Representation of urban landscape and architecture, the relationship between the individual and the city, psychogeography, and the interaction of literature and visuality are some of the themes she explores. In addition to working with institutions to document and research ever-changing Istanbul, Taptık has published several books, including Kaza ve Kader (Filigranes Editions, 2009); Depicting Istanbul (Akin Nalca, 2010), There are no failed experiments (Atelier de Visu, 2012) and Nothing Surprising (Marraine Ginette, 2015). Her works have been exhibited in various institutions, including Pera Museum, SALT (Istanbul), MAXXI (Rome), Ashkal Alwan (Beirut), and Venice Biennial for Architecture. Taptık was one of the founders of Bandrolsüz collective for the distribution of independent artists’ books, Initiative for the Preservation of the Historic Vegetable Gardens of Yedikule.

Currently working as the editor-in-chief of Onagöre︎︎︎, a publishing, research, and design studio, and as a curatorial advisor for 212 Photography Istanbul︎︎︎

Detailed CV︎︎︎